Stabilization & Assessment Programs
Rapid Firesetting Assessment
Brandon Residential Treatment Center has been a leader in the development of services for boys involved in dangerous or reckless firesetting behavior. The Rapid Firesetting Assessment Service at Brandon offers the most comprehensive and evidence-based assessment of problem firesetting that is available within a short-term (45-60 day) residential setting evaluating both historical and current firesetting behaviors. This service meets the needs of boys who are involved with the juvenile justice system, are currently psychiatrically hospitalized, or boys who require a short-term specialized assessment of their firesetting behavior. The Brandon firesetting assessment protocol, developed in partnership with FirePsych Inc., incorporates tools and strategies that set a national standard for “best practice.” The firesetting assessment provides the foundation for effective firesetting intervention planning. Brandon clinicians receive consultation support from Dr. Robert Stadolnik, a leading authority on firesetting in youth, and utilize the guidance of the Firesetting Risk Assessment Tool-Youth as a structured decision making framework.
Questions that can be answered during a Rapid Firesetting Assessment include:
- What is the full extent, scope and nature of your child’s firesetting?
- What are the specific risk factors that are present which would contribute to likelihood for continued involvement in problem firesetting?
- Are there any factors present which would serve to lessen future risk?
- What fire safety specific recommendations would support this child?