Comprehensive Treatment Programs
Special Education Day School
Brandon School is an approved private special education program that provides a structured learning environment and individualized curriculum to meet each Youth’s needs and ability level.  Brandon’s supportive and highly structured learning environment offer Youth the opportunity to improve academic and social skills, develop more appropriate behavioral controls in a school setting, and improve self-esteem. Brandon works closely with each Youth’s public school in an effort to coordinate the Youth’s course of study and earned credits.
School begins each day at 8:30AM. After transitioning to school, all Youth will be greeted by the Educational Supervisor for morning announcements and the daily safety/contraband search. Electronics, toys, bandanas, hats, wave caps, combs, picks or personal hygiene items aren’t allowed in class. Youth are provided the opportunity to drop off such items to the school staff office cubbies. Items voluntarily dropped off will be returned at transition time at the end of each school day. Items confiscated after this time may be held for a minimum of one week before they are returned to the Youth or parent/guardian as deemed appropriate.
The first class of the day begins at 8:30 and classes will continue until 3:00PM M-Th. Friday classes begin at 8:30 and will continue until 1:07pm. Youth are expected to enter each class quietly and sit at their assigned seats. All class work reflects the individual education plan created for the Youth in the program. Participation in class discussions and the completion of all assigned schoolwork and assigned homework is expected. When daily assignments are completed, Youth are expected to engage in a quiet activity at their desk (i.e., reading, creative writing, drawing, etc) or as directed by school staff.
What Sets Brandon Day School Apart:
- On-site, multi-disciplinary team that includes educators, clinicians, case managers, related services, and support professionals
- Sensory Integration
- Experiential learning
- High staff to student ratio with individual attention/small classes
- Vocational programming
- Interactive whiteboards
- Kindle program
- Chromebook Carts
- School store incentive program
- High school guidance committee
- Athletic teams
- Art and music components
- Work study program
- Title I services in Reading, Language Arts, Math, MCAS prep
- Activity-based, educationally supportive summer semester