Hear from Students
Placing families at the center of care, and repairing and restoring relationships, is integral to successful treatment. At Brandon you will see that the family is our focus. At Brandon you will see that the family is our focus.
Student Quotes
“So tomorrow 8 years ago my life was changed, I arrived at Brandon Residential Treatment Center where I met the most amazing people that cared about me and put 5 long years into me and making me a successful person. I would not be here if not for these people. I love you guys and I miss you.”
– Luis, former student
“Hello I am a Brandon resident as of September 2013. I’m not going to lie when I came to Brandon for the tour I did not like it at all. Then, when I had tours of other programs, I made it my mission to come here…Instead of saying over and over that group homes will not help you, actually give it an effort and try to work on something, anything you feel you should work on, and take it one step at a time. For the rest of my time here I hope that I can continue to do well and be a role model for some clients.”
– Corey
“(kids at my new group home) are all very different than the kids at Brandon. Most of them have more needs whereas Brandon kids just need to be steered in the right direction and to have a place where they feel safe. The program I am in now feels more like a program then a house setting. You guys do a great job at making Brandon more comfortable! I continue to brag about how great Brandon is! Actually one of the kids that is in the program I’m in now was recently at Brandon….. He as well brags about how Brandon is ten times better then any program! Haha it’s true tho.”
– Former student
“Before I came to Brandon I was doing biking riding, skateboarding, building and other outdoor things I enjoyed doing. But not everything was going all that well. I was not getting along with some of my family members at the time, I was getting in trouble with the school system for being late and absent and my grades had gone down a lot. I didn’t think I was being treated fairly at home, it was difficult to get up in the morning and when I missed a lot of school it affected my grades. My guardian felt it was necessary for me to get treatment for some of my behaviors and I ended up at Brandon. When I first came to Brandon I wasn’t too sure what was going to happen so I stayed to myself and I was depressed for a while. I was isolating and different things like that. When my biological family (my parents and the rest of my family) became involved I started making healthy relationships with my mom and my brother and sister. First I started talking to them on the phone and then in visits and stuff. I’ve also gained a lot of trust and privileges at Brandon because of my high level. This kind of helps me to move forward and helps things go more smoothly. I don’t have as many bumps in the road as I would have in the past. Now I feel relieved in a way that I’m not being treated unfairly and I feel more happy because my biological family is involved with me now. When I see them it just brightens up my days. My goal is to move on from Brandon and go home with my mom. I would like to get a job, like carpentry, building or construction and I also want to make sure that I keep control of my behaviors and not let them take control of me. I feel that Brandon is one of the safest places to get treatment.”
– Sal
“My age is twelve and I was born in Charlestown, but I have also lived in Dorchester, Revere, Chelsea and in Florida. I’ll be moving soon as well. I was at Brandon for about a year and a half ending in August of 2008. When I left Brandon it was frustrating because I didn’t really get trusted a lot because I was still little and I didn’t behave in school. At Brandon I’d worked on ignoring peers who were making bad decisions. I left Brandon and went to live with a relative. There was a little freedom but I was greedy and wanted a lot of things I couldn’t have. I liked that I could eat when I wanted and watch what I wanted. I ate too much I have to tell you that… I know because I started gaining weight really fast. I stayed up really late watching tv, but I was still able to get up for school. I’m back at Brandon for being disrespectful to certain people. My therapist and I work are working on coping skills again. I realize that I am an all sports player… one that I’m really good at is basketball. My family is really important to me and I want a good life with them. I am proud for being myself, and accomplishing being able to ignore peers negativity. Some staff like Larry Mims, Troy Grant, Michelle Gomes, Ken Wakefield, Glen Burke, Pat Collier, Nick, Jen, Devon and Steven in the morning, and Joslyn, Gillian and Liz, and this is going to be pretty crazy to say but Dan Kiser…he might give me a snicker bar. I want to say thank you to everyone who tries to help me, especially to my mom. Thank you mom for all the things you do for me like taking care of me, encouraging me to do good and make the right choices, and for loving me. Peace.”
– Ray