Hear from Parents
Parents are partners in the Brandon experience. Please hear from other parents about our supportive and inclusive community.
Good things parents are saying:
“Despite multiple out of home placements, this is the first time I have been encouraged to see (my son) as hurt rather than “bad”. This placement has given me the opportunity to just love him again, and he has given me more and longer hugs than ever!”
“We are beyond impressed with the work that is done at Brandon in every department.”
“Both (my son) and I receive compassion from the staff.”
“I finally got to see a report card that described (my son) as “a pleasure”
“FABULOUS! I don’t know if we got lucky or if it is always this good. The staff in house 4 was really exceptional…They were strong, informed, nurturing, patient, considerate. I cannot say enough about them.”
“Very caring and involved. I was very thankful and appreciative for their support and guidance.”
“The education services were very good at Brandon. When he was admitted he was not able to be in class. When he was discharged he was spending full days in class.”