for parents
Welcome parents, let’s
take the next step together.

As the parent or loved one
of a child who is struggling, this may be a difficult time. Where to go for help is a pivotal decision and we hope you will consider Brandon. We recognize that your son resilient, we celebrate what makes him special, and we agree he deserves a setting where he can thrive. Here, caring and experienced people help your family work specifically on the things keeping your child from reaching his potential. There are many families- about 200 every year- who are faced with challenges, discover Brandon, and leave happier, healthier, and stronger.
Have questions about Brandon?
We are here to help, learn more below:

Family Focus
Placing families at the center of care, and repairing and restoring relationships, is integral to successful treatment. At Brandon you will see that the family is our focus.
Parent Resources
Find advocacy resources, diagnosis information, special education websites, parenting tools, useful articles, and other support.

Funding Options
Deciding on a school is difficult and knowing the funding options is important. Call admissions to discuss the various ways placement at Brandon is funded.

Hear from our parents
“Despite multiple out of home placements, this is the first time I have been encouraged to see (my son) as hurt rather than “bad”. This placement has given me the opportunity to just love him again, and he has given me more and longer hugs than ever!”
– Parent