Donations to Brandon

A Holistic Approach to Care…
As you know, youth and families are struggling against the tides of education inequities, fractured mental health systems, and generational poverty. Many times, youth and families are victims of disparate interventions which do not encompass the whole family or the whole child. The challenge is not only supporting families in crisis, but also sustaining agencies that succeed in where others have not. Brandon helps families when other systems have not. Giving to Brandon is investing in resilient children and families and the organization that supports them.
Brandon is a holistic approach to care. We ask you to join in supporting the children who deserve it most: children who need exceptional education, treatment, and enrichment programs to reach their potential. Brandon is proud of our 50 year legacy of providing youth and families in the Northeast with exceptional care. Brandon is one of few regional providers operating without an endowment or foundation. Minimal dollars are spent fundraising so that we re-invest nearly 100% of resources in direct services to children and families.
Your support enriches our community in the following ways:
Brandon provides exceptional experiences daily for nearly 100 boys. Projects related to maintaining a vibrant, opportunity-filled environment include: experiential learning field trips, outdoor education course, annual Halloween costume drive, annual Multicultural Festival, “A Space For Me” bedroom personalization, and more.
Brandon is a regional pioneer in the integration of Sensory programming into learning, living, and treatment. Come To Your Senses is Brandon’s program wide initiative assuring each child has access to sensory tools and programming to help them regulate, learn, and achieve.
Brandon is honored to be the first CARE agency in Massachusetts. “Becoming” a CARE agency is a 4 year process of organizational transformation. The process is costly, but the outcome is invaluable for the children we serve.
As a small school working with students with significant learning and social and emotional needs, offering new and emerging classroom technology integration is essential. Through fundraising, Brandon strives to match the technology available in public schools, including Interactive Whiteboards, Kindles, Chromebooks, and software.